Friday, December 3, 2010

Blue or Pink - Let the Games Begin!

We have been having fun ‘testing’ pregnancy myths, wives tales, and superstitions to determine the sex of our little E. Although we won’t find out until Christmas, here’s what our very scientific studies have shown:

Chinese Birth Calendar: According to an ancient Chinese birth calendar which uses the age the mother will be when she gives birth and the month the child was conceived, we are having a boy.

Ring on a String: Sarah, the witch doctor, helped us on this myth. Holding my wedding ring on a string over my belly made the ring swing back and forth. Looks like we’re having a boy.

Acne: No pregnant girl acne. Could be a boy.

Pick up a key: I picked up a key by the bottom, rounder part rather than by the thinner end. Maybe a boy is on the way.

Mayan Tale: The Mayan tale adds the mothers age at conception and the year of conception (2038). The result is an even number. According to the Mayans, we’re having a girl.

Clumsy v. Graceful: If the pregnant woman is graceful throughout her pregnancy, she’s having a girl. If she becomes clumsy, she’s having a boy. I just dumped a glassful of water on Clay at dinner the other night…boy.

We will be putting the wives tales to rest soon. We can’t wait to find out what Ethan’s cousin; Melody, Jeff, Jen, and Zack’s nephew/niece; our parent’s grandbaby; and the newest addition to our family will be! Stay tuned!

Amen and Pass the Butter,


  1. I saw Dr. Patteson tonight and he wished a boy on you. I would think that our family doctor would have some sway on this.

